First-person videos are one of the most effective ways to learn practical skills. They are particularly convenient when there is no possibility to show the process or repeat it physically.
Edurega is a headset that allows you to demonstrate your practical skills from a personal perspective. To share your knowledge, just make high-quality video and audio recordings using the device. Others can gain access to the recordings and learn by viewing them multiple times.
Unlike its analogues, the headset, together with the online platform, allows you to create engaging educational content for remote learning and help improving practical skills. For businesses, it offers an innovative way to train employees and increase their competence, and for educational institutions it’s a handy way to teach students practical skills.
Deividas Juozulynas is an interdisciplinary designer working in the fields of industrial product design, service design, and design education. As a design facilitator at Critical agency, he helps businesses overcome strategic customer relationship challenges, conducts creative workshops and shares his insights in publications. Deividas also co-founded industrial product design studio Desdorp, where he creates and develops products manufactured and distributed worldwide. As an associate professor at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, he teaches undergraduate students, supervises final theses, and conducts creative workshops.